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The age of Electronics, Computers and Telecommunications has put in our hands the possibility to acquire immense amounts of data, perform massive calculations, and transmit the output far away in very short times. Quietly, such possibilities have changed our way to do science within the last half century, and continue to do so.

While Isaac Newton was forced to invent Calculus to solve the equations of Mechanics, and Henri Poincaré had to devise his sections to visualize the motion of relatively simple nonlinear systems, nowadays we can expand their work far beyond the wildest dreams of those geniuses by using new technologies: molecular dynamics calculations, Monte Carlo simulations, celular automata. Charles Darwin created his theory of evolution in an attempt to make sense of the wealth of observations he collected during years travelling around the world on board of The Beagle. Distributed sensors, wireless communications and computer data acquisition can now expand Darwin’s observations to an uncanny level of detail with great efficiency, not to mention the new experimental worlds opened by image processing techniques applied to study the dynamics of systems with many degrees of freedom, such as sandpiles.

All those subjects can be called "complex". However, beyond the many attempts to define "Complexity" in the scenario of contemporary science, we believe that the application of new technologies in different scientific areas combined with a Statistical Physics way of thinking is changing our way to do science, specially experimental science. This way is eclectic and fun.

In these website you will find our incursions in the study of "complex" systems, with a strong experimental inclination and keeping the costs as low as possible!. You will find preliminary, ongoing work -eventually with an engineering flavour-, as well as an academic output consisting in published papers, presentations, and so on, comprising our past and present research. Ants dynamics, granular flows, sadpile avalanches, and vortex dynamics in superconductors are some of the subjects that can be found in this site.

We are also part of the Superconductivity Laboratory, IMRE, University of Havana, as well as of the Henri Poincaré" Group of Complex Systems, Physics Faculty, University of Havana.

Needless to say it, your opinions are welcome.

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Following some authors, "complex" systems are far from the "trivially describable" extremes. For example, a perfect crystal is so regular, that it can be described by a bunch of equations. An ideal gas is so random (not chaotic!), that it can be also represented by a few laws. The rich ground in the middle (including most nonlinear physical systems, biological and social subjects, etc.) is very difficult to decribe because, even when it often looks completely random, there is always a certain order underneath acting as a subtle "straight jacket". The painting at the upper left by Cuban painter René Portocarrero (1912-1985) -one of his views of the city of Havana- illustrates well this idea. That is the reason why we have taken it as a sort of logo.


"Henri Poincare" Complex System Group- Contact us
Physics Faculty at the University of Havana